Saturday, February 4, 2017

I Am A White Australian But I Did Not "Steal" Your Country!

It is a matter of fact that we now know that Aboriginals were not the first people to come to Australia, the Indonesians were here at least 10,000 years before. So, the Aboriginal population has decided to stir up as much trouble as they possibly can and have “Invasion Day” while we celebrate “Australia Day”. It is clear to me that the Aboriginal population are obviously not intelligent enough to understand Australia’s history.

So please let me explain why this is an absolutely ridiculous decision. The majority of white Australian’s are the descendants of convicts. We came here after the English explorer Captain Cook discovered Australia. I am the direct descendant of Convicts, my great, great, great, great Grandfather was Scottish, his eventual wife was Irish. I am not related to the English in any way whatsoever. The English convicts that came to Australia on prison ships came here against their will. 

They were forced by the English Authorities to be exported as criminals to Terra Australis. So, I and the majority of my fellow Australian relatives had no say whatsoever in whether or not we came to Australia. We came here as imprisoned criminals but you don't hear us all crying “You jailed my people”, and we don’t suggest that we celebrate “Jailing Day”.

We, the common Australian man are being accused of stealing Australia from the aboriginals. You need to blame the English Authorities who did this and their relatives. I do believe that most of their relatives that are still alive are now living in England and would number less than 5,000 people.

You need to look up their names and start blaming their relatives and not us. I do however believe that that would be a total waste of fucking time. Also, the indigenous population has received an apology from the Prime Minister for something we didn’t do. The indigenous population has also had access to the Australian Courts to make MABO land claims.

This has been done almost everywhere in Australia and the Aboriginal population has received huge pay-outs. Just to let you know how the Aboriginal population dealt with these payouts. Up in Darwin at Christmas tine, the Aboriginal population were given $1500 Coles gift cards.

They were spent on alcohol almost exclusively, the crime rate rose instantly with drunken violence, assaults abuse, vandalism etc. etc. etc. reported to police in record numbers until the money ran out. They didn't put a deposit on a block of land, or pay for one of their children to go to University, they pissed their little bit of Australia up against the wall or smoked it in a crack pipe.

We recently saw Choc Mundine refuse to stand for the Australian National Anthem, yet it was one of his fellow Aboriginal "Sister", Jessica Mauboy singing it. This is just one example of the ridiculous stunts famous Aboriginals pull to get publicity. For a start, Choc Mundine is not Aboriginal at all, he is mostly white, so if it wasn't for the white man, he wouldn't exist. Secondly, Mundine forgets, he abandoned his Aboriginal culture real fast and became a Muslim.

Smoking Ceremonies- What a load of crap!

How many indigenous people, who marched in protest today all over Australia calling "Australia Day" Invasion Day, have taken the time to research and learn their local tribal dialect. I can tell you the answer-ZERO!! And the Smoking Ceremony, I am highly suspicious of this ceremony and feel it was probably just invented in modern times to give the Aborigines something to do at important Indigenous occasions, how did modern tribal Aborigines know about this "Smoking Ceremony" as the Aboriginal people have no recorded written history, remember, they couldn't read or write and their tribes were scattered all over the country and they all spoke different dialects and didn't associate with each other. The white people couldn't have written about it as according to white man's recorded written history, relationships were strained and indigenous tribes did not share secret tribal ceremonies with the whites.

Former prisoner and convicted criminal Mervyn Eades, far right

MABO Claims & Giving Back The Land We Supposedly Stole

These Aboriginals were offered 320,000 hectares of land and $1.2 billion to settle a Native Title claim and the fools knocked it back, yet they still whinge that we stole their country- what the fuck do they want, that's a huge deal. 

Learn this- once you accept the cash, those arguments that we stole your country are over. If we didn't come here, you'd still be wandering around in the bush chasing emus and collecting Yams, you would not have the opportunity to share in white man's technology and culture, especially you would not have access to the medical advances the white man has made. 

So five people on the native title committee refused to sign off on the deal so the Federal Court ruled it invalid, these people are not too bright in my opinion. Mervyn Eades was one of the people involved, the last time I saw him, he was in jail!

In my opinion, the Aboriginal population in this country need to grow up and are an absolute disgrace.